Teeth Cleaning

General Teeth Cleaning

Regular dentist visits for teeth cleaning are key to strong teeth and good oral health.

The American Dental Association recommends visiting your dentist at least once a year, with many people needing repeated visits.

General cleanings involve:

  • Cavity check
  • Plaque build-up removal
  • Partial removal of surface stains
  • Fluoride treatment
  • X-Rays

Besides promoting good oral health, stopping in for a general cleaning can also be a preventative measure.

Reasons you might want to visit your dentist:

  • Toothache
  • Cracked or broken tooth
  • Jaw pain
  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath

All of these might be things that point to a much more serious issue that will require more expensive work down the road.

Make sure you keep up with regular check-ups to go along with daily maintenance.

Proper Tooth Brushing Technique

Proper Flossing Technique