What You Can Do To Make Sure You Have Clean Teeth and Optimal Oral Health
It is often said that the thing 50% of people notice first about you is your smile.
Whether this is true or not it does reveal that there is something important and attractive about having nice, healthy teeth and gums.
The way to do this is by implementing a 1-2 punch consisting of daily maintenance that you can do on your own and regular dental check-ups.
Your daily maintenance can easily become a routine with a little bit of patience.
Adding daily brushing right when you get up and just before bed are easy times to start forming the habit.
Get into the habit of flossing after big meals to help remove debris from your teeth before it can do any damage.
Simply practicing these daily functions can improve oral health and greatly reduce some of the adverse effects of ignoring your teeth.
Dental check-ups help take care of things that are impossible at home.
The dentist is able to remove hard plaque from your teeth that brushing just won’t remove. This helps to prevent tooth decay and lowers the chance of periodontal disease.
When visiting the dentist you can also have X-Rays taken that will expose cavities in the teeth, hidden structures such as wisdom teeth, bone loss, and other problems that cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Recent studies have also linked Heart Disease and Diabetes to oral health. Remember, your overall health is affected by how you treat your teeth.
Even if your smile was not the first thing people notice, there’s plenty of incentive to maintain it.
List of things you can do to make sure you maintain your oral hygiene:
- Brush at least twice a day
- Clean between your teeth with floss
- Eat nutritious meals
- Limit sugar intake
- Drink water to remove bacteria and debris after meals
- If you smoke, give it up (this will also positively help overall health–it’s a win-win)
- Schedule regular dental check-ups (We can help you with this one)
We love to see Kenosha County and southeast Wisconsin smiles. We have two convenient locations to help you achieve your best oral health. Contact us for a visit.